The KRG Arca Clamp gives you the mounting flexibility you need as a match or long range shooter. Accessory items like bipods and barrier stops are mounted to the clamp, then the assembly can be quickly clamped onto an Arca-Swiss rail such as the KRG Arca rail for KRG chassis. The Arca Clamp utilizes a thumbscrew design with an oversize head for plenty of tightening torque plus adaptability to rails that aren't perfectly in spec. It can be mounted to a Really Right Stuff tripod and some other brands tripod heads with some creativity. The clamp has several threaded M5 metric holes (10-32 will fit in a pinch). Hole spacing front to back is MOE L2 spec of 1.190" and side to side is the KRG forend hole spacing of .900".

Fits: Arca-Swiss style rails

Restrictions: Not compatible with an Atlas bipod direct mount.

Paino 100grammaa.

Material: 7075 Aluminum

Made by KRG


Ennen 2021 tehty malli, ei sisällä senkkauksia, jos meinaat käyttää clamppia Atlas bipodin soivittimen kanssa.

Senkkauksen saa kyllä tehtyä helposti.

149,00  sis. alv

Vain 1 varastossa

Tuotetunnus (SKU): 1212565 Osasto:
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